Protein in Your Bariatric Diet

Protein in Your Bariatric Diet

After weight loss surgery, protein is the most essential nutrient in your diet. Protein is responsible for building and maintaining muscle tissue and helping your body heal from injury. Becoming deficient of protein can lead to muscle loss, infection and other health consequences.

Dr. Taylor will provide you with detailed dietary instructions pertaining to your weight loss surgery procedure. Always follow the instructions provided to you by Dr. Taylor as closely as possible. This guide can provide generalizations of what is normal for most people, but Dr. Taylor can provide you with details more closely related to your individual circumstances.

Protein Requirements after Weight Loss Surgery

The exact amount of protein you should eat after weight loss surgery will depend on the type of bariatric procedure you’ve undergone, how long it has been since your surgical date and a number of other factors.

As a general rule, the suggested protein requirements for the leading forms of bariatric surgery are as follows:

  • Gastric Band Surgery: The ideal daily protein consumption after gastric banding surgery is 1 gram per kilogram of your ideal body weight (1g / kg IBW).
  • Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery: The ideal daily protein consumption after gastric bypass is 1.2 grams per kilogram of your ideal body weight (1.2g / kg IBW).
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Following sleeve gastrectomy the ideal daily protein consumption is about 1.2 grams per kilogram of your ideal body weight (1.2 g / kg IBW).

These requirements do not begin directly following weight loss surgery, as you will undergo stages of a transitional diet as you readjust your body to eating solid foods. Within a month of weight loss surgery you should begin consuming protein levels similar to what is posted above. We can provide you with timing instructions as well as specific dietary instructions to follow.

Where to Find Protein

After weight loss surgery you will have to find lean sources of protein that pack the correct amount of grams without overloading you on calories.

Here Are a Few Good Sources of Lean Protein to Consider:

  • Poultry
  • Dairy products
  • Fish
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Eggs
  • Soy

Before incorporating any of the above foods into your diet you should first discuss your dietary plans with Dr. Taylor.

Suggested Reading

Emotional Eating After Surgery

Emotional eating can hinder your postoperative weight loss goals. It’s important to know how to avoid this type of eating after your weight loss surgery.
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The Best Foods for Protein

There are six essential nutrients that you should be getting daily through your diet, and each play a special role in your level of health and wellness, especially as you lose weight.
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Managing Special Occasions after Weight Loss Surgery

Planning ahead for special occasions and having strategies in mind to help you cope with stress during these events can help you stay on track with your weight loss.
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