Fixing Trouble Spots After Weight Loss Surgery

Sometimes, even after weight loss surgery, there are still stubborn areas where fat can hang on. Despite following your doctor’s recommendations regarding post-surgery diet and exercise, areas like your abdomen, love handles, thighs and neck can sometimes fail to slim down with the rest of you.

Smart Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that can tackle those trouble spots. Smart Lipo also tightens your skin, which can help with the appearance of areas that have lost elasticity and do not tighten up after weight loss.

A few of the benefits:

Fixing Trouble Spots After Weight Loss Surgery
  • Quick recovery. Often, you can resume your normal activities in as little as two days.
  • Performed under local anesthesia, which has fewer risks than being put under with general anesthesia.
  • Less pain than traditional liposuction.
  • Tightens the skin; with traditional liposuction, loose skin stays behind where fat is removed.

How It Works

Smart Lipo is performed on an outpatient basis. You stay awake during the procedure and a local anesthesia is used to prevent pain and discomfort. The doctor makes a small incision in the area being treated. Then, a laser fiber is inserted under your skin. The laser ruptures fat cell membranes, which permanently destroys the cells.

The fat is liquified and gently removed. As your body creates new collagen, the skin in that area tightens up. Often, you can see results within one week, and will see improvement for up to six months after your treatment. The fat cells that are destroyed during the procedure are gone forever, giving you permanent results. Because the incisions are so small, any scarring left behind is barely noticeable.

Smart Lipo is an FDA approved procedure. The procedure’s safety is supported by eight years of clinical studies. Because the procedure is minimally invasive, it is much safer than traditionally liposuction surgery.

When you have bariatric surgery, you commit to a lifetime of positive changes in your diet and exercise routine. Take care of the areas that don’t respond to your hard work so you can get the changes to your body that you desire. Talk to Dr. Taylor your doctor to find out whether Smart Lipo after weight loss surgery is a good option for you.

Suggested Reading

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