Developing Your Weight Loss Surgery Support System

Drastic weight loss is never easy to accomplish alone, and though you’ll have our staff to guide you, it helps to have a network of other allies as well. Emotional support and encouragement can come from many places after weight loss surgery and will make it easier to adapt to the changes and challenges you face.

As you begin creating your support system after weight loss surgery, it will be best to enlist the help of:

Bariatric Surgery Support Groups

Developing your Weight Loss Support System

Those who have never walked a mile in your shoes may not completely understand the things you’re going through. It will help to know a few people who have personal experience with the issues you’re dealing with, and this is what a support group can provide.

Some members of your support group may be grappling with the same problems you face, while others may have already found ways to conquer these obstacles and move on. Support groups are also run by knowledgeable weight loss professionals who can offer practical advice and answers to your questions. Contact our office or visit our calendar to learn about scheduled support groups.

Your Friends and Family

Though you ultimately have control over habits like diet and exercise, your actions are still influenced by those around you. Family members, close friends and coworkers can all have an impact on the decisions you make, and for this reason, it can be valuable to ask for their help. Speak with the important people in your life about your goals and request their support in the days ahead.

Typically, those we spend the most time with will have the biggest influence on our habits. It will be especially important to speak with the people you share your home or workspace with. Explain that your habits will be different after surgery, and that it will be much easier to maintain your progress if junk food is kept inaccessible and you are surrounded by positivity whenever possible.

You may find that some people are not supportive of your goals, or unwittingly do things that sabotage your progress. Though you do not have to end your relationships with these individuals, it will help to limit your contact with them or ask them to be more sensitive to what you’re trying to achieve. Do your best to reduce the influence of:

  • People who are overly critical of your weight or negative about your possibility for change
  • People who trivialize your weight problems or the difficulty of losing weight
  • People who put excessive pressure on you, even if only trying to help
  • People who tempt you to eat when and what you shouldn’t

By creating a solid support system, you can make it easier to stay focused on your goals every day. Remember that you can always turn to Dr. Taylor and our staff if you need help and guidance.

Suggested Reading

Family Members Benefit from Bariatric Surgery

When one member of a family undergoes something big, other members of that family are often influenced by it.
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Buddy Up: Lose Weight with a Gym Partner

Your bariatric surgeon is certainly an important ally, as are family members and friends who offer a patient ear or kind word when times get tough.
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Keep Your Friends Close and Your Best Friends Closer

Maintaining your friendships is one of the best ways to stay supported, both in your weight loss program and beyond.
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