Dealing with Weight Regain after Surgery

Dealing with Weight Re gain after Weight Loss Surgery

Though bariatric surgery can make it much easier to lose weight, it is only a tool. Without proper diet and consistent exercise, you may find that you not only stop losing weight, but begin to gain it back as well.

Many people believe that dramatic, permanent weight loss is guaranteed after bariatric surgery. This is a misconception. Your overall success with weight loss surgery depends entirely on your lifestyle. By following our dietary guidelines and exercise recommendations, you will make it much easier to reach your goals, but you will still need to put in some hard work to get there.

Causes of Weight Regain

Weight regain after bariatric surgery can be a frustrating experience, especially if you feel you’ve been doing everything right. Sometimes, factors outside of your control contribute to weight regain—the stomach pouch created during surgery can stretch over time, as can the stomach opening. This will make it harder to maintain your restricted diet, and if Dr. Taylor feels it is appropriate, he may recommend a revisionary procedure to correct these changes.

However, if you begin regaining weight or your progress levels off after surgery, the most important step is to assess your habits and recommit yourself to your weight loss program. Most people can prevent weight regain after bariatric surgery by:

  • Eating right at every meal. When you get bariatric surgery, you make a lifelong commitment. This means sticking with your new diet for good. Don’t feel tempted to return to old eating habits as time passes after surgery—by eating small, nutritious portions and avoiding snacking and junk food, you can and will maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercising every day. Once you’ve recovered from surgery and are ready to start exercising, you’ll need to make workouts a consistent priority. Become more active at every opportunity and don’t allow yourself to skip workouts. Set goals for yourself and constantly strive to achieve them. If you start building a more muscular physique, you’ll make it harder to put fat back on.
  • Making regular check-ups. We care about you and want to make sure that everything is progressing at a steady, healthy pace. Make appointments to see us often and do not skip them. Check-ups will give us a chance to assess how far you’ve come and help you make it even further.
  • Attending support groups. Our diet and exercise habits are often influenced by emotions. If you don’t have the emotional support you need, it will be much harder to stay focused on the healthy habits that lead to success. Support groups can provide much-needed encouragement and also help you address specific problems that may be standing between you and weight loss.

If you find yourself gaining weight back after bariatric surgery, don’t hesitate to bring this problem to our attention. We will do everything we can to help you get back on the right track.

Suggested Reading

Eating and Exercise Behavioral Changes to Lose Weight

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Set Up your Home for Weight Loss Surgery

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