Warrenton Connections

Weight Loss Medications: Barriers to Acceptance *

Posted: Jul 15 in Warrenton Connections by
Weight Loss Medications: Barriers to Acceptance

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than one third of adults in the United States are suffering from obesity. Since the problem is so widespread, it seems like obesity drugs would be welcomed into the market with open arms. However, this has not been the case in recent years. Contrave, the latest obesity drug to be submitted to the FDA for approval is expected to be available after September, 2014. [Read more]

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Your Joints and Osteoarthritis *

Posted: Jun 24 in Warrenton Connections by
Your Joints and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis results when the natural cushioning inside your joints, known as cartilage, breaks down. It’s known as the wear-and-tear form of arthritis, meaning the joints become damaged simply from living life. Osteoarthritis can occur on practically any joint, though it is most commonly found in the hands, lower back, neck, hips, and knees. [Read more]

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Benefits of Pilates after Weight Loss Surgery *

Posted: Jun 10 in Warrenton Connections by
Benefits of Pilates after Weight Loss Surgery

If you’ve watched any interviews with Hollywood celebrities lately and the interviewer has asked about how they keep their figure, then chances are you have heard about Pilates. Pilates is actually a group of exercises that were developed by a German boxer and circus performer named Joseph Pilates. [Read more]

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Reasons You’re Not Exercising – And What to Do About It *

Posted: Jun 09 in Warrenton Connections by
Reasons You’re Not Exercising – And What to Do About It

Although most of us know that exercise is good for us and helps with weight control, few of us are getting as much physical activity as we need. What’s our excuse? Take a closer look at some of the most common excuses for avoiding exercises – and why you shouldn’t let them hold you back. [Read more]

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Setting Goals for Weight Loss *

Posted: Apr 15 in Warrenton Connections by
Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Before your weight loss surgery, Dr. Taylor will help you to create a realistic goal for your weight loss journey. However, following your surgery, it is important that you maintain the lifestyle changes and dietary goals that have been set forth to help you achieve your overall weight loss goal. The best way of doing this, is by setting smart, realistic goals that will aid you during your journey and help you to stay on track. [Read more]

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Walking to Lower Blood Pressure *

Posted: Mar 20 in Warrenton Connections by
Walking to Lower Blood Pressure

After your weight loss surgery in Ypsilanti, you can start forming healthy habits to optimize your weight loss efforts. Fortunately, many of these habits can help improve some disorders and health issues that you may be suffering from. Walking, for instance, has been shown to improve blood pressure levels. [Read more]

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Staying Motivated after Weight Loss Surgery *

Posted: Mar 12 in Warrenton Connections by
Staying Motivated after Weight Loss Surgery

Following your weight loss surgery, it may be difficult to stay motivated with your newfound lifestyle. Some days, you might not feel like exercising or sticking to your diet. Or maybe you’re just bored with your routine. Regardless, it is important to remain motivated after your weight loss surgery so that you don’t hinder the progress you’ve already made with unnecessary weight regain. [Read more]

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Exercise for Brain Health *

Posted: Feb 21 in Warrenton Connections by
Exercise for Brain Health

We all know that exercise is a fundamental step in any weight loss plan and in keeping your body in tip-top shape. But studies have shown that exercise is also a great way to keep your mind sharp. Regular daily exercise helps you maintain your heart health, blood pressure levels and weight. It also improves your mood, boosts energy and lowers stress and anxiety, all of which relate to the healthy functions of your brain. [Read more]

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Boosting Your Mood after Weight Loss Surgery *

Posted: Feb 05 in Warrenton Connections by
Boosting Your Mood after Weight Loss Surgery

Our moods can affect how we perform in a number of different capacities. From our work, to home life and daily activities—our levels of happiness or sadness can impact it all. [Read more]

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Healthy Shopping after Weight Loss Surgery *

Posted: Jan 17 in Warrenton Connections by
Healthy Shopping after Weight Loss Surgery

A few weeks after your weight loss surgery, you will finally be able to transition into a more normal diet. Even though your body’s hunger cues have changed dramatically, you may still be tempted to turn to comfort foods or junk foods at the grocery store. Despite the fact that you may feel that you are physically able to resist an unhealthy snack, by bringing those foods into your home you are making your mental battle with food cravings more intense. [Read more]

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