The Top Tool for Weight Loss: Bariatric Surgery

The Top Tool for Weight Loss Bariatric SurgeryMost people who undergo weight loss surgery have tried to lose weight in the past through other methods. When you take into consideration data from the National Weight Control Registry, this isn’t very surprising. In the United States there is about a 20 percent success rate in conventional at-home weight loss programs. This success rate isn’t referring to drastic weight loss, either. The National Weight Control Registry considered a weight loss program successful if a participant lost at least 10 percent of their excess body weight.

In contrast, following bariatric surgery many people lose about 60 percent of their excess weight. For many people who undergo bariatric surgery, 10 percent is just the start of their weight loss progress.

The Difference with Bariatric Surgery

So what makes bariatric surgery different from conventional methods of weight loss? The answer comes down to the tools you have to work with. During your bariatric procedure your weight loss surgeon provides you with the tools you need to be successful at losing weight. You can use these new tools, like your reduced stomach capacity, altered nutrient absorption and post-surgical diet plan to your advantage as you work towards reaching your goals.

For your diet

One of the most evident advantages of bariatric surgery is its ability to reduce your appetite, helping you to eat less. Every type of weight loss surgery makes some sort of change to stomach capacity, either permanently or temporarily reducing how much food the stomach can hold.

Take advantage of this benefit by sticking closely to your weight loss surgeon’s post-bariatric guidelines. Your weight loss procedure will help you become hungry less often and cause you to grow full faster. Manage your cravings and fight the temptation to eat things you know you shouldn’t. The closer you stick to your weight loss diet, the greater your weight loss experience will be.

For your health

Weight loss surgery gives you a head start on reaching your weight loss goals, but it can also lead to several improvements in your health. Obesity related diseases can hold you back from achieving your health and wellness goals, but weight loss surgery can often help resolve many of these conditions.

After weight loss surgery:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea is resolved in up to 98 percent of cases
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease is resolved in up to 98 percent of cases
  • Type-2 diabetes is resolved in up to 83 percent of cases
  • Arthritis, orthopedic issues and other degenerative joint pain is resolved in up to 76 percent of cases
  • High blood pressure is resolved in up to 92 percent of cases

For your attitude

Bariatric surgery is a motivational tool that can help you succeed in reaching your weight loss goals. In moments of doubt or stress, take a moment and appreciate the effort you’ve put in. Recognize that this time is different. You have the tools available to you to make this weight loss experience count. You are capable of reaching your goals.

Use the tools available to you to make the most of your weight loss experience. Focus on your health and make changes as needed throughout areas of your life to really make your bariatric surgery experience count.


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