Post-Bariatric Surgery Diet

After obesity surgery, your diet will change dramatically. The amount of food that you can eat at one time after lap band surgery will be far less than you could before. It’s important to construct your meals around your nutritional needs to make sure you get what your body needs to stay healthy.

Initially, you will be on a liquid diet. Once your body is healed enough to eat solid food, you will have to eat one ounce of food at a time. Protein is the dietary need you should focus on most. Following bariatric surgery, you will need at least 60 to 80 grams of protein per day. Protein helps with healing and helps your body build and maintain lean muscle mass.

Skinless chicken breast and fish are two high-protein and low-fat foods. Make those and a serving of vegetables the main focus of your meal to ensure that you are getting enough protein and vitamins. These foods also help you to feel full longer.

You will also need to take a multivitamin to fulfill dietary needs. Iron, B-12, vitamin D and calcium are all nutrients that you will probably not be able to get in high enough amounts from your diet. You can buy vitamins at any pharmacy or health food store in the Flint area.

There are also foods that you should restrict after your lap band surgery. Foods that are high in fat or sugar can cause dumping. Symptoms of dumping include diarrhea, nausea, sweating and dizziness. Carbonated and sweetened drinks should be avoided, as well. You will find that certain foods will make you uncomfortable. Make a note of these and avoid them in the future, or only eat them in strict moderation.



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